
Screening and brief intervention for intimate partner violence among antenatal care attendees at primary healthcare clinics in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa

G Matseke, Karl Peltzer


Background. It has been found that pregnant women experience a higher rate of intimate partner violence (IPV) than women who are not pregnant. This paper presents findings of a brief IPV intervention provided to pregnant women attending prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV services.

Methods. Eighteen community workers were recruited and trained in assessment of and intervention for abuse during pregnancy. These were implemented for 10 months at 16 primary healthcare facilities in the Thembisile sub-district, Nkangala district, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa.

Results. A total of 2 230 pregnant women were screened for abuse; 7.2% (160) screened positive and received a brief intervention. This was a 20-minute session on safety behaviours and strategies for dealing with the abuse, including referral to local support services. Eighty-four women attended a follow-up interview 3 months after the intervention. The mean danger assessment score of 6.0 before intervention fell significantly to 2.8 after 3 months.

Conclusion. The brief intervention provided to these women contributed to a significant reduction in the level of IPV.

Authors' affiliations

G Matseke, HIV/AIDS, STIs and TB (HAST) Research Programme, Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria, South Africa

Karl Peltzer, HIV/AIDS, STIs and TB (HAST) Research Programme, Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria, South Africa;

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pregnany, intimate partner violence, intervention

Cite this article

South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2013;19(2):40-43. DOI:10.7196/sajog.637

Article History

Date submitted: 2012-11-21
Date published: 2013-04-02

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